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Category Archives: List

I feel it’s time someone made a list of all the best educational YouTube channels. Not the top few, but as many as I can find. While there’s plenty of colleges and universities that post videos of their lectures online, no one can really be expected to take 1-2 hours out of their day to watch one dry speech on any given topic. So I’ve set out to find channels that are not only educational, but entertaining and reasonably digestible.

Some of these channels, I’m already subscribed to and thanks to the “featured channels” lists on each one, I’ve gotten my hands on many, many more. This list should be a constant work in progress and if I’ve missed any channels, feel free to let me know in the comments. I’ve loosely categorized each one based on their main focus, like “physics” or “technology” but there are quite a few that I would just call “multi” due to the fact that they have not one specified topic. There are also some I have just decided to label “HM” or “Honorable Mention” since their focus isn’t specifically education, though they sometimes spend time on it. Others are just very hard to label and you just have to check them out for yourselves to find out.

After reading over the list I realized there’s an awful lot of text for something involving YouTube. So I decided to track down some videos to give an example of some of the channels I’ve mentioned. Enjoy:





James Randi Educational Foundation

Minute Physics


Rational Response

Smarter Every Day



Words of the World

The King of Random

Have fun! Try to learn something.